Tuesday, May 12, 2009

VOTE - Change INDIA and OUR future

I am writing this blog just after I have voted.I feel happy that I have encouraged two of my friends to vote who were non-voters till date.

To other non-voters : If you feel that your voices and issues are never paid attention to, this is the time to make an impact,a minute's decision of yours can change the surroundings around you.But , if you are not voting just as to spend a holiday, then you are making a fool of yourself.No impact so large can be done within such a short span of time.So please vote.Even if you think everyone is non-deserving, vote for the least non-deserving.Whoever you want to vote for, just vote........Because only people like you and me can change things around us... vote and make us the cause of that change.

To the voters : keep it up !! people like us are trying their best to change ourselves and change socio-economic-political condition of our county....vote and change India and our future.........

Thanks for reading.........